"Man kennt die eigene Sprache nicht, bis man eine fremde Sprache lernt."
(You do not know your own language until you have learned a foreign language.)

I started college in 1969 as a foreign language major, earning an AA Liberal Arts -- Foreign Languages in 1976 and a BA German in 1975, during which time I had studied 12 human languages to one extent or another. My foreign language "career" effectively ended in 1976, when I turned to studying computer science, which mainly involved learning and using other, albeit non-human, languages. I have not been able to do much with my human languages from then until a couple years ago, when I started crawling the Web and reading non-English-language pages. I regret that the foreign language opportunities on the Internet had not been available when I was a student.

If you are interested, you may read a short history of my foreign language experience.

The foreign language departments I have studied in now have web pages:

Years ago, I had obtained some public-domain programs for studying Spanish vocabulary and verb conjugations, which I have used off-and-on over the years. When I started concentrating again on Spanish in 1998, I found Timm Ericksonn's "SPANVERB.EXE" to be especially helpful in learning and practicing the conjugations of regular and irregular verbs. However, I found a few errors in it, so I contacted Timm Ericksonn (that is a tale in itself, made possible only by the Internet) and he made the corrections and sent me the latest, corrected version.

Timm Ericksonn gave me permission to distribute SPANVERB, so I'm offering it for you here. It is free for your use and learning.

Share and enjoy.

When I started back in Spanish class in 1999, many of the students wanted to know how to do the accented and special characters on their computers. I did a quick write-up for them, which I have since developed into this set of web pages: " Foreign and Special Characters in Word Processing". I hope you find it of use.

Here is a list of the languages I have studied.

Yes, here's yet another ubiquitous counter. This counter is provided by AOL, though one of my projects is to roll one of my own, which is needed elsewhere.

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First uploaded on 1998 May 10.
Last updated on 2000 March 21.

E-Mail Address: dwise1@aol.com.